Title: Love Story by Jennifer Echols
Publisher: MTV Books
Release Date: July 19th, 2011
Genres: Romance, Drama
Medium: Paperback, Bought
As a lover of romance literature, I thoroughly enjoyed this novel. It was nicely paced, original, and very descriptive. I really liked it!
The plot was very unique. It was the first time I had read a novel involving Kentucky horse farms and races, and it actually really interested me. I was immersed in it the entire time, and with a steady plot, I was allowed to fully lose myself in the story. It was suspenseful and very dramatic, in the way that relationships and situations were constantly changing and emotions were always running high. It was almost like a soap opera, and honestly, I had a love-hate relationship with that aspect of it. There was a lot of instances where the characters overacted or even under-reacted. I had qualms with that. And the ending also bothered me. It was slightly confusing and just not what I expected.
The writing was fantastic. I didn't have a single problem with it. It was descriptive, dramatic, romantic, and overall, very sexy. It was all paced out perfectly and had some very interesting aspects to it. I personally write myself, so I loved how the plot was centered around creative writing and also set in New York City. It was impeccable.
Overall, sometimes the plot and the ending overwhelmed how great the novel could have been. There was a lot of promise. But the fantastic writing definitely renewed my opinion of the novel, and I did enjoy it.