Wednesday, November 4, 2015

ARC Review: Perfect by Vincent Morrone

Title: Perfect by Vincent Morrone
Publisher: Self
Release Date: NA
Medium: ARC eBook
Genres: Fantasy, Drama, Romance, Action

Ladies and gentlemen, Vincent Morrone has done it again. Although I have never been disappointed in Vincent's work, this novel quickly became my favorite. It's an original & exciting mix of believable fantasy and sweet romance, full of twists and turns that I definitely did not see coming. 

I was supremely impressed with the tone, pacing, and wording of the novel. Morrone writes with obvious skill and experience. He has crafted a novel with an exceptional plot that readers of all genres will enjoy, especially those who are fans of the series I Am Number Four by Pittacus Lore, which the novel reminds me of. But in comparison with Perfect, Morrone trumps the popular series with the fact that many things that the series lacks, Morrone's novel has! What I loved most, was the fact that Perfect features an exciting love triangle that keeps you changing your mind. Normally, I don't like love triangles, but in this case, Morrone had me eating out of his hand. It was believable and realistic and I couldn't decide between the two male characters- not to mention, because of his supreme writing skills, the love triangle stayed balanced until the very end. I was so glad this novel was written that way. I am so used to novels where a love triangle is present and where the author makes it blatantly clear who the protagonist is going to choose early in the story. Thankfully, that was not the case with this novel. 

Another thing that I greatly enjoyed was the plot twists in the story. Not only was the plot fantastic in itself, with a grand mix of fantasy, action, drama, comedy and romance, but the plot twists within it were completely unexpected. Not to mention the last 20 or so pages simply blew me away. And that cliffhanger... Simply amazing.

I definitely recommend this novel to readers of all ages. This novel is exciting and new, full of fantasy, romance, and unexpected plot twists with every turning page. I thoroughly enjoyed this novel (as I have enjoyed every novel written by Morrone before) and I cannot wait for the sequel.

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